Estrutura da Wiki Esta wiki está estruturada com base nas diferentes facetas do clube. Para chegar com rapidez aos principais assuntos aconselhamos a que use os links abaixo referidos, os quais contêm uma visão abrangente e resumida sobre os assuntos com links para páginas mais específicas e detalhadas. Em alternativa, poderá usar o menu de navegação lateral (à esquerda) para navegar através das principais categorias existentes nesta wiki. Guided Tour - A quick tour of the Genealogy Wiki, with a link to tours of other wikis in the Wikia community. Help or simply Category:Help - Somewhere to go to find answers to questions about using this Wiki. Getting Started - Go here for some guidance on getting started on this Wiki. Tutorial - An easy way for you to receive help. The Water Cooler - discuss activities on this Wiki. Community Portal - Things useful to Know about this Wiki. Special Project Areas - collections of articles built around a theme. Current events - A place to note upcoming events of interest to those using this Wiki. Administrivia - A place to present things you should know, but may not want to!! User page - Suggestions for setting up a user page. The Sandbox - A place to play with formatting articles. Communications - A summary of the ways you can communicate with folk on the Wiki. Naming Conventions - for those who want to jump right in, please read the conventions first (unless you are dead keen to get onto starting pages and don't care what they look like or how anyone will find them!!!). Surnames - there is (or is intended to be) for each surname a separate category, which in turn is a subcategory of the category for surnames in general.